About JVD
For 40 years, JVD has been committed to offering protection and care. Care for you, your health and your comfort. But also protection for all life forms. We create and manufacture products that make sense, for both you and our planet.

that care.
PRESENCE in over 100 countries
- 4 subdiaries subsidiaries in the world
- 40.000 hand dryer sold every year
- +20.000 hotels equipped worldwide
JVD. Products
that care
A third place to gather and innovate

More than just an accelerator for the development of JVD's activities and a space designed for the well-being of its employees, Imagin'Air is also a third place!

Our CSR commitments
JVD is a French company that designs and manufactures collective hygiene equipment and solutions, as well as air purifiers, designed for everyone and built to last. We are convinced of the role we have to play for our common future. That's why eco-responsibility is now one of the major pillars of our strategy. Design, manufacturing, transportation, use, after-sales service, or recycling, at JVD, every detail matters.

Discover the
JVD's history by
clicking every date.
Discover the women and men who make JVD.
In Singapore, Mexico, Spain and France, JVD teams are committed to customer satisfaction. Whether in the design office, purchasing, marketing, sales administration, accounting, quality service or after-sales service or manufacturing and shipping, discover the portraits of a committed team.

El fuerte espíritu de equipo es lo que hace que JVD sea especial.
Mis principales misiones son expandir y profundizar las interacciones con los socios estratégicos internacionales de JVD. Gran parte de mi trabajo consiste en comprender las necesidades en evolución de nuestros clientes en un mercado en constante cambio y rápido. Solo entonces, podemos ofrecer productos que mejor se adapten a las demandas y realidades actuales. Obviamente, el contacto humano juega un papel importante en el éxito de mis misiones. Me agrada especialmente desarrollar amistades duraderas con mis clientes. Formar vínculos personales en interacciones profesionales con mis colegas también es clave. Trabajo en estrecha relación con mis contrapartes de Marketing y Diseño y con los equipos de JVD con sede en Nantes. Un fuerte espíritu de equipo es lo que hace que JVD sea especial. JVD Asia representa un esfuerzo colaborativo para unir la cultura asiática y el saber hacer y la herencia francesa. Esta versatilidad es parte de nuestra fortaleza. Si tuviera que resumir JVD en una palabra, elegiría "adaptable". En la industria hotelera, que continuamente establece nuevas tendencias, JVD ha adaptado con éxito nuestras líneas de productos y medios de entrega durante los últimos 30 años para servir a este mercado.
Jude Director de Desarrollo de Negocios - JVD Asia
Eco-responsibility has been one of JVD’s pillars from the very beginning. The company’s commitment on this subject only grows stronger every day and now concerns each of its different levels. JVD is dedicated to the idea of transmission and makes it a point of honour to play an active role in an ecological transition which looks out for everyone’s well-being. You might think we’re mad but, if our products lasted 20 years without you having to replace them, we would be thrilled! At JVD, we design quality products meant towithstand the test of time.
We have always been convinced that the strategy of today should be to improve the future of tomorrow. All the teams at JVD strive actively to think of everything and to make a real difference. From design to manufacturing, transport to use and customer service to recycling, we know that each detail counts. -
Whether we're talking about our next-gen jet air hand dryers which reduce energy consumption and eliminate the use of any consumables, our flow-reducing soap dispensers or our foaming soap which drops consumptions levels by four, our R&D Department endeavours to design our products to be eco-responsible. -
PARTNERSEco-responsibility also concerns our choice of raw materials and partners. Whenever possible, we prioritize partners located as close as possible to our production unit so as to reduce the environmental impact of our transport. For years, we have been striving to ensure that expertise endures and so encourage our suppliers' capacity for innovation. Out of concern for our social impact, we work with associations from the social and solidarity economy. -
All our waste is sorted and collected before being sent to a treatment and recycling centre. For example, we reuse our suppliers' cardboard boxes for our shipments, and we grind used paper and then use it as wedges for our shipped products. What about the rest? It is recycled or reused by other companies in the region! -
30 000
it is the number of trees planted since we launched the operation:
1 hand dryer purchased = 1 tree planted. -
OBSOLESCENCEAt JVD, our products are designed and tested to be repairable and to repair them. Our appliances' spare parts are available for 10 years. Quality products meant to be used and to run for the long term. -
Our packaging is designed with a two fold objective: to protect the integrity of the transported goods and to serve as an installation diagram. These simple, sensible optimizations further reduce our carbon footprint.